Each test is an independent item that can be launched separately. So each test should be specified to identify it by next items:
Usually it is implemented by special specification item:
<spec> <sname>short_name_of_test</sname> <fname>full name of test</fname> <descr>description of test</descr> </spec> |
spec | Identification information for the test (names, descriptions) |
sname | Short name for test, that is used as test name in GUI-runner and as component of path to the test in console runner . The sname should not contain line breaks. It is better if the sname is short and without white spaces. |
fname | Full name of test is used as test name in console runner . The fname should not contain line breaks. The fname is placed in one line/screen. So it would be better if the fname is less than 60 symbols. |
descr | Full description of test. It can be as long as you need and contain any number of line breaks. The description can be shown in the console and GUI runner by special command only. |
Usually such a specification is a part of any test except some special.
Special set of substitution variables can be defined for each test depending on its position in the tree of test. To use value of substitution variable its name should be used between symbols of percent (like using of DOS variables). As example:
<fname>full name of test on target %target%</fname> |
To use symbol of percent it should be written twice.
Substitution variables usually are defined in aggregate tests .
System substitution variable %test_dir% is replaced by path to specification file *.itd.xml, that was used for reading specification of the current test.
Each test returns flag of success after running. It's usually for tests. But there is a special feature of izh_test, that each test defines set of test file result.. Each "test file result" is defined as three things: