izh_test is a xUnit-like framework. Its advantages over existing alternatives are that it
The package is distributed by license GPL with source code "as is".
Authors develop the system depending on own current needs. So they implement only things that they use, nothing else. If someone needs something new he should implement it himself.
izh_test isn't commercial project and any new useful extern changes and additions will be included by the same license GPL . As example we need more correct english documentation. The list of task to implement is in the part "Roadmap"
Source codes of izh_test depend on library izh_base ( http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/izh-base/ ). This library is distributed by the same license GPL , but it won't be included extern changes and additions by license GPL .
You can download source code of izh_test and izh_base from http://www.izhsoft.com/downloads.html
or from sourceforge: http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/izh-test/ , http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/izh-base/ .